
作者:   时间:2024-04-23   点击数:

   1973年11月生,博士、教授、硕士生导师、吉林大学博士后,美国《Mathematical Reviews》 评论员。

研究方向:奇点理论及其应用、 随机微分方程




1.2008/9–2012/6, 东北师范大学, 基础数学, 博士

2.2003/9–2006/6, 东北师范大学, 基础数学, 硕士

3.1992/9–1995/7, 呼兰师范专科学校, 数学教育


1.2014/3-至今, 吉林大学数学流动站博士后

2.2014/9-至今, 哈尔滨师范大学, 开云(中国)数学系, 教授

3.2013/4-2014/3, 日本北海道大学, 大学院理学院数学系, 外国人研究员、


4.2009/9-2014/8, 哈尔滨师范大学, 开云(中国)数学系, 副教授

5.2003/9-2009/9, 哈尔滨师范大学, 开云(中国),讲师

6.1995/7-2003/9, 尚志市亚布力镇中学, 中学一级


1.第九批中国博士后基金特别资助项目,2016T90244,2016/06,15万元, 在研, 主持

2.第55批中国博士后基金面上项目(国家级),2014M551168, 具有奇点的子流形微分几何性质研究,2014/07,5万元, 在研, 主持

3.黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目,A201410, 奇点理论视角下半欧氏空间中退化子流形的几何性质研究,2014/07-2017/06,6万元, 在研, 主持

4.国家自然科学基金项目,11271063, 奇点理论视角下的拓扑和微分几何学研究,2013/01-2016/12,75万元, 已结题, 参加

5.国家自然科学基金项目,11201058,Minkowski空间中一般曲线和光锥中超曲面的奇点,2013/01-2015/12,22万元, 已结题, 参加

6.黑龙江省教育厅科技研究面上项目,12521151,de Sitter空间中高余维null

子流形的奇点,2012/01-2014/12,2万元, 已结题, 主持

7.黑龙江省教育厅科技研究面上项目,11531458, 奇点理论的研究与应用,

2008/01-2010/12,0.2万元, 已结题, 主持


1. Zhigang Wang, Donghe Pei, Singularitiesof ruled null surfaces of the principal normal indicatrix to a null Cartancurve in de Sitter 3-space,Physics Letters B,2010,689(2–3):101-106. (SCI)

2. Zhigang Wang, Donghe Pei, NullDarboux developable and pseudo-spherical Darboux image of null Cartan curve inMinkowski 3-space,Hokkaido Mathematical Journal,2011,40(2):221-242. (SCI)

3. Zhigang Wang, Xiaoming Fan,Qixing Han, Global stability of deterministic and stochastic multigroup SEIQRmodels in computer network,Applied Mathematical Modelling,2013,37(20–21):8673-8686. (SCI)

4. Zhigang Wang, Donghe Pei, LiangChen, Geometry of 1-lightlike submanifolds in anti-de Sitter n-space,Proceedings of theRoyal Society of Edinburgh Section A:Mathematics,2013,143A(5):1089-1113. (SCI)

5. Zhigang Wang, Donghe Pei,Lingling Kong, Gaussian surfaces and nullcone dual surfaces of null curves in athree-dimensional nullcone with index 2,Journal of Geometry and Physics,2013,73:166-186. (SCI)

6. Zhigang Wang, Donghe Pei,Xiaoming Fan, Singularities of null developable of timelike curve that lies onnullcone in semi-Euclidean 3-space with index 2,Topology and itsApplications,2013, 160(1):189-198. (SCI)

7. Zhigang Wang, Ruimei Gao,Xiaoming Fan,Qixing Han, Stability analysis of multi-group deterministic andstochastic epidemic models with vaccination rate,Chinese Physics B,2014,9(23)(SCI)

8. Zhigang Wang, Xiaoming Fan, Fuquan Jiang, Qiang Li,Dynamics ofdeterministic and stochasticmulti-group MSIRS epidemic models with varyingtotal population size,Advances in Difference Equations,2014,2014:1-25. (SCI)

9. Zhigang Wang, Huilai Li, Fixedpoint theorems and endpoint theorems for(α,ψ)-Meir-Keeler-Khanmultivalued mapping,Fixed Point Theory and Applications,2016,2016:1-18.

10.Xiaoming Fan,Zhigang Wang*, Stability analysis of an SEIR epidemic model withstochastic perturbation and numerical simulations, InternationalJournal of NonlinearSciences and Numerical Simulation,2013,14(2):113-121. (SCI)

11.Xinran Liu,Zhigang Wang*, On lightlike hypersurfaces and lightlike focal sets ofnull Cartan curves in Lorentz-Minkowski spacetime,Journal of NonlinearSciences and Applications,2015,8(5):628-639. (SCI)

12.Qixing Han,Zhigang Wang*, On extinction of infectious diseases for

multi-group SIRS models with saturated incidence rate,Advances inDifference Equations,2015,2015:1-20. (SCI)

13.Xiaoming Fan,Zhigang Wang*, Some fixed point theorems in generalized

quasi-partial metric spaces,Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications,2016,9(4):1658-1674. (SCI)

14.Qiuyan Wang,Zhigang Wang*,1-Lightlike surfaces in semi-Euclidean 4-space withindex two,Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications,2016, 9(5):3127-3146. (SCI)

15.Meiling He,Zhigang Wang*, Singularities of dual hypersurfaces of spacelike hypersurfacesin lightcone and Legendrian duality,Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications,2016,9(10):5471-5487 (SCI)

16.Xiaoming Fan,Zhigang Wang*, Fixed point theorems for contractive mappings andCiric-Maiti-Pal orbit mappings of contractive type in re-defined generalized metricspaces,Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications,2017,10(4):1350-1364 (SCI)

17.Haiming Liu, Xiaoming Fan, Lixu Yan,Zhigang Wang*, On the existence of coupled best proximity point andbest proximity point for Suzuki type alpha^+-theta-proximal multivaluedmappings,Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications,2017,10(4):1801-1819.(SCI)

